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Polisport | Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim

POLISPORT Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim

POLISPORT Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim
POLISPORT Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim POLISPORT Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim POLISPORT Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim POLISPORT Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim
Polisport | Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim | P874255

POLISPORT Fietshelm Polisport City Move L 58-61 cm - denim

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❗ Maak een afspraak voor een proefrit.
Ophalen tijdens openingsuren bij Profile Janssen in Apeldoorn.
Of binnen 5-7 werkdagen thuisbezorgd in Nederland of België
Helaas, een groter aantal van dit product is niet beschikbaar


The compact shape of City-Move offers an attractive style while providing extra comfort and an extended coverage for your daily commuting. Available in 3 urban tones. With an In-Mold shell, City-Move features an increased lateral and back protection area quite useful for city usage and features also a removable visor. The City-Move combines a simple and casual design and contains enough air channels to ensure good ventilation. The visor will ensure adequate sun shade during commuting. With an easy-to-adjust retention system, adjustable straps also include thermoformed inner pads that will help in the absorption of perspiration.